Sunday, July 26, 2009
Di pg isnin
Pg2 kak yus call btau clas cancel..sbb ade kempen pemeriksaan kshtn... rs lega sgt... aku pun xtau rs lega sbb ape..mgknkah slide x dh siap dh... mgkn la aku x ckp prepare psl topic kali bgsla ade ms utk aku bc lg..hjng mggu lps,aku menyibukkan dr dgn bakti siswa... srnk je aku tgk bdk2 nie dpt family angkt.. tp dlm ht, nsb baik ms zmn aku xde lg bakti siswa nie...heheheh...yg bestnye mlm ramah mesra ngn pnddk kg ktorg di jamu pulut durian wpun dpt mkn dh nk tgh mlm..blsh je tgh2 mlm mkn durian ngn pulut... sabtu nye lak, aku mencube facial treatment kt satu spa slps program sukaneka bakti siswa nie..ape ntah namenye...dpn fatin corner tmpt mkn bhn sup sdp kt perlis nie...akak tu suggect kt aku diamond peel + serum treatment.utk buang sel2 mati kt muke aku nie...xdpt la aku nk tnjk keberkesanan nye treatment tu sbb br skali je kan...ahad nye lak, pkl 9 cmtu aku dtg ofis utk menyiapkan kerja... bw la dua org ank buah aku sbg x lame pun,dlm pkl 12 lbh cmtu ktorg g tesco ngn kak yus... mgkn die boring kot tanpa hsbnd di hjg mggu..sabar naa kak yus....ok lah,byk keje to to..peace...;-)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Morning all...
morning all... awlnye aku smpi ofis... pkl 7.45 dh smpi..hehheeh.. kunun2 nk bc blk slide yg aku nk ajar pkl 9 jap g...arini clas straight from 9am tp 2pm...last 2 hrs adlh lab.. smlm fisrt lab aku msk... nsb baik kelmarin tu aku dh practise wat lab tu... thanks kak izza coz sudi tlg aku.. lab tu lak ade calculation.. so pg smlm terkial2 aku cr solution... dh lame aku tnggl lab strength totally aku dh lupe.. kene la refresh blk kan..alhamdulillah lab smlm berjln dgr lancar... smlm jg aku dpt smgr br.. aku dh nmpk n tau hala tuju career aku..thanks pd en ruzaidi n en muz yg br peluang,idea,nsht utk aku maju ke dpn dlm bdg penerbitan n utk step yg awl nie, aku diberi peluang utk menerbitkan buku..joint venture la krnye. kirenye dlm satu buku aku amik satu bahagian..psl metal..dn utk step yg awl nie juga aku kene review psl research2 yg aku minat...Ya Allah, kau permudahkan la urusan hamba Mu ini.....oklah,nnt smbg lain... nk siap ke klas nie..peace....;-)
sj2 nk ltk gmbr nie... heheheh..

eeee...nmpk gemuk la...x sukenye... xleh jd nie..

wajahku di pg snap gune camera kt laptop test..hehehe
sj2 nk ltk gmbr nie... heheheh..
eeee...nmpk gemuk la...x sukenye... xleh jd nie..
wajahku di pg snap gune camera kt laptop test..hehehe
Monday, July 20, 2009
sepetang di tasik melati...
last saturday evening, we (me,my brother and my two nieces) went to the tasik melati.. this is our normal routine on weekend.. it's just took about 5 minutes from mak ngah's house..normally, we went there for jogging and my nieces take their chance to have their childhood moment by playing at the playground... and me as usual went there for jogging as a way to kurus..heheh... staying with mak ngah, make me become food addicted... mak ngah is good even at first I've stated in myself..."alin,dun eat." but at last i dropped my self-controlled... and after that i start to regret... from now, i must control myself... those who have the best way for diet share la ngn i kay...sharing is caring...peace..;-)

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Di Pagi Jumaat....
salam... awl aku smpi ofis arini..amik berkat di hr jumaat.. semoga rezki kt semua lbh murah dn dipermudahkan segala urusan oleh Nya..Amin... dlm pkrn aku,ade beberape perkara yg nk di settlekan.. antaranye;
1. lecture notes... ade lg 2 topik yg perlu aku siapkan...
2. g berasmana hotel utk discuss psl mknn utk NMC... sy ajk urusetia n mknn...;-)
3. study psl reseacrh fyp..nnt nk explain kt diorg. smgt sungguh student2 yg wat
under aku nie... nk je aku ckp relax sem bgsla diorg smgt..sng sket aku..
4. nk wat ape lg eh... stkt nie itu je aku rs...ok, peace....
1. lecture notes... ade lg 2 topik yg perlu aku siapkan...
2. g berasmana hotel utk discuss psl mknn utk NMC... sy ajk urusetia n mknn...;-)
3. study psl reseacrh fyp..nnt nk explain kt diorg. smgt sungguh student2 yg wat
under aku nie... nk je aku ckp relax sem bgsla diorg smgt..sng sket aku..
4. nk wat ape lg eh... stkt nie itu je aku rs...ok, peace....
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
salam semua... alhamdulillah.. syukur sgt2.. pg td after clas je aku trus g office nk anta application form tunang aku.. seram sejuk la jgk nk jumpe dean. alhamdulillah dean support permohonon tunang aku utk jwtn jp..thank Dean... so next week dr appointment yg dah di wat nk anta kt pndftr... harap2 la en tunang dpt keje kt cni.. yela, nnt bl dh kwn sng sket.. x lah sorng s.alam sorng perlis..
Ya Allah, kau permudahkan la urusan kami... kawan2 tolong doakan er..
mmm dh 3 mggu clas... mule2 msk dl cuak la jgk..tiap kali nk msk clas mesti bedebar cmtu...mcm aku ni nk jumpe antu je.. pdhal nk jumpe stdnt yg mcm adik2 je. skang ni dh ok..hehehhe....dh ade keyakinan utk br yg terbaik pd student2..wah2 smgt gtu..ehehhe...peace...;-)
rindu la nk blk...rindu kt anak buah aku..rindu kt mak ayah aku..rindu kt en tunang.. tambah2 aku duk sebilik ngn 2 org kwn yg msng2 dh jd tngn org dn nk kawin.kawin dulu dr aku lak tu.. eeee jeles2... mcm ni kot rs org2 yg nk kwn asyik duk survey psl kawin je..aku pun nyibuk je la.. amik maklumat tmbhn, amik idea..hehhehe...
Ya Allah, kau permudahkan la urusan kami... kawan2 tolong doakan er..
mmm dh 3 mggu clas... mule2 msk dl cuak la jgk..tiap kali nk msk clas mesti bedebar cmtu...mcm aku ni nk jumpe antu je.. pdhal nk jumpe stdnt yg mcm adik2 je. skang ni dh ok..hehehhe....dh ade keyakinan utk br yg terbaik pd student2..wah2 smgt gtu..ehehhe...peace...;-)
rindu la nk blk...rindu kt anak buah aku..rindu kt mak ayah aku..rindu kt en tunang.. tambah2 aku duk sebilik ngn 2 org kwn yg msng2 dh jd tngn org dn nk kawin.kawin dulu dr aku lak tu.. eeee jeles2... mcm ni kot rs org2 yg nk kwn asyik duk survey psl kawin je..aku pun nyibuk je la.. amik maklumat tmbhn, amik idea..hehhehe...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
tomorrow is my first class..
tomorrow is my 1st lecture..i can't sleep by thinking how it will going. combining 3 courses.. nervous sgt nie...futhermore, i dun have any experience to give a talk in front of more than 100 peoples..i dun know if they are understand or not on what I've talking about or they just watching me...eeee seram..kwn2 leh suggest the best technique and the best way for me to give a lecture..i'm really2 hope that all of them interested with my class..Ya Allah permudahkan la urusan ku....Semoga mereka memahami ilmu yg aku sampaikan..Amin...
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